Horizon économique de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Inc.
About Horizon économique de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Inc.
The Horizon TNL is an economic development NPO that contributes to the prosperity of the province's Francophone communities through various sectors of activity: employment, entrepreneurship, immigration and tourism.
The Horizon TNL is recognized by its expertise as a catalyst in the economic development of the province.
Horizon TNL offers its services to communities in order to strengthen their economic vitality.
Customer base
Horizon TNL's clientele is made up of all those for whom French is an added value in economic development.
Collaboration: Foster strategic alliances as well as community and partner engagement in economic development.
Openness: Be inclusive and receptive to diverse points of view.
Integrity: Carry out actions in the interests of transparency and respect.
Accountability: To assume with professionalism the responsibility for one's actions and the achievement of results.
Innovation: Demonstrate creativity in order to optimize the economic growth of the community.
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